Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Place for Art

These two paintings are in my home.  I like the colours - especially this time of year with the onset of autumn.    I like that they have linear elements yet are a bit grunge too.  One is hanging on the wall and one is leaning.  I don't adhere to any rules when it comes to displaying art in the home.  Again, I am drawn, as always, to how the pieces make me feel in that space.

These nameless paintings compliment my other eclectic keepsakes - two Buddhas, an little wrought-iron iron and wooden African mask.  While I'd love to boast these items were from far flung exotic locales they are just from my local home design shop.  One day, for sure, I will travel and glean inspiration on location.  For now though, I will be content with making art and making my abode beautiful to me.


  1. John, these are such great works, and like you I like the fall color scheme. The Buddhas look really great with them.

  2. These are both wonderful pieces John. The colors are so vibrant and, similar to you, I like the combination of linear and grunge.
