Wednesday, September 5, 2012

PIP (picture in picture)

In this painting entitled,  "Claudette's Dream",  there have been a series of accidental pip's (as I call them). These mini paintings are unplanned yet a welcome surprise.  It is pretty rare that I have a grand plan for my paintings - it is all strictly by feel.  By that, I mean emotions of the day/hour/minute.  I feel and the colours call my name.  Once the layers go on a theme emerges.

Claudette came about on a sunny day with whims of travel on my mind.  Q says it suggests a French inspiration and Claudette looks like Betty Draper (whoever that is!).  I was probably just trying to channel my inner Grace Kelly [ ;) ].  Either that or I just needed a baguette and cured deli meats.

What are your thoughts???


  1. I think you have channeled your inner Grace Kelly quite well. This certainly has a feeling of movement, of travel. The colors are fantastic and I get lost in each PIP.

  2. Thank you Ray, very nice of you to say.
